Some youth become homeless when they are left behind. Others are running away from abuse. Children in foster care or court placement may age out of the system. It is tough being on your own. It is nearly impossible to get an apartment without credit or references. It is very hard to stay in school without support or get a job without experience.
The Transitional Living Program (TLP) helps homeless young people, ages 16 – 21 in Isabella or Clare County, who are unable to return to their homes. This program offers them a safe place to set and work toward goals. In up to 18 months, they are able to become self- reliant, with a job, a bank account, education, and a future they built for themselves!
The Transitional Living Program helps youth:
- Find a safe place to live.
- Learn about budgeting, using credit, housekeeping, menu planning, and food preparation.
- Get along with others, letting others know what you want and need, and how to avoid harm.
- Finish schooling whether that is high school, GED, community college, vocational training or university.
- Prepare for a job and become employed or gain work experience as a community volunteer.
- Prevent, identify, treat, and reduce substance abuse
- Obtain health care, including routine physicals, health assessments, emergency treatment, eye and dental care, and mental health.
When you call us we will treat you with respect. We are also there if you just want someone to listen.
Regular office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Evening hours are available by appointment to accommodate work and school schedules. On-call staff are available 24 hours every day to respond to crises and emergencies.
You may call yourself or be referred by a friend, relative, school, or any community agency.
If in need, call the 24 Hour Crisis Line; (989) 772-2918 for Isabella County and (989) 386-2774 for Clare County.